In the deep purple night
Moonbeams like a lover
Hold you tight
Enfold dieing day with dark cover
A shroud blanketed
With a sprinkling of stars
Wafting bouquet fragranted
With night nectars.
Contending in the sunsets
The sun and moon duel
The light giving ground in bits
Forcing day to relinquish all rule.
Till in one fitful rasp
Emitted by sunsets last gasp
Dark escapes tight fisted clasp
Filling the day sky departing
With stars blooming
Light consuming
The purple sky brightly festooning.
The pace of the race slows
Bringing serenity
And the whole world seems calmer
When night falls
Just before slumber
Nightmarish doom
And gloom
At first rule all being
A frantic race
Till sweet dreams embrace
Battling in back and forth fray
Chases fiends away.
Then come arm-in-arm friends
And nod
In relaxing fingers of dream blends
At rest in the arms of God...
From over far horizon comes a glimmer
Of light first only imagined
Palely dimming
Till finally the sun exhumed
By first dawning
Gloriously leaking
Till the dawning
Burns a hole through fragile night
May you find peace in
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